Use external references

For general information on external references, see Namespaces and external references.

Add external references

To add external references, proceed as follows:

  1. Import the namespace you want to use.

  2. Open the Workspace sidebar.

  3. Double-click the TTL file from which you want to use elements from.

  4. Drag the specific element and drop it to the graph area canvas.

    external reference drag and drop

    External references can only be dragged once into the current Aspect Model. These elements are marked with a lock sign signifying that they cannot be edited. You can only edit an external reference by editing the file it is defined in.

    external reference

    When you drag and drop an external reference, it will also include all the lower connections (dependencies) of the element. Same goes for deleting the element – all dependencies will be deleted as well.

    external reference delete

→ An external reference has now been added to your model.

Refer from one element to another one

To refer from one element to another one, proceed as follows:

  1. Save the model you are currently working on.

  2. Load the model that you intend to reference to.

  3. Click Save.

  4. Click Save to namespace.

    → Now the reference can be found in the Workspace sidebar.

  5. Load or start a new model.

  6. Open the Workspace sidebar.

  7. Double-click the TTL file of which you want to use elements from.

  8. Drag the specific element and drop it on the graph area canvas.

→ An external reference has now been added to your model.